
Nayana Tara Emotional On Last Day Shooting – Sri Rama Rajyam Making Scenes

Sri Ramarajyam movie is based on Uttara Ramayanam, ie, Lava Kusa. In which, Bala Krishna is playing lord Rama and Nayantara will portray the role of Sitadevi. While dialogues are being written by Mullapudi Venkata Ramana, Kamal Kannan, who won… Continue reading

Do these scenes in movies make any sense?

Question by : Do these scenes in movies make any sense? In Mission Impossible 2 why didn’t Hunt just kill Ambrose when he did that fake face switch thingy? he was standing directly behind Ambrose while Ambrose mistook one of… Continue reading

Behind the Scenes: The Making of Nick Jonas’ Bayer Contour Meter Commericals

Here’s a Behind the Scenes look at the Making of Nick Jonas’ Bayer CONTOUR Meter Commericals! Visit for more information Get your dog tag today: All Proceeds go to the Jonas Brothers’ Change For The Children Foundation! NO… Continue reading

Q&A: Could you tell me some movie titles which features romantic scenes on the ice skating rink?

Question by Antonia C: Could you tell me some movie titles which features romantic scenes on the ice skating rink? i’m trying to make a collection. I own til now : Serendipity,Love Story,Beautiful Girls,Snow Day,The Ice Princess.

Best answer:… Continue reading

Behind the Scenes: “Agents of Secret Stuff”

A behind the scenes look of how Wong Fu Productions made “Agents of Secret Stuff.” Working resourcefully WFP was able to make a little look like a lot on the big screen. Watch the FULL movie here: SUBSCRIBE!… Continue reading

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