
Screenwriting Workshops – Welcome To The Writer’s Online Block

by quapan

Screenwriting Workshops – Welcome To The Writer’s Online Block

A good story always has an audience. Few stories really make it to the cinema halls and the rest go through developmental hell. Screenwriting is helluva job and can… Continue reading

What does the term “beat” mean when referring to movie scripts and screenwriting?

by Kmeron

Question by godblestr0janman: What does the term “beat” mean when referring to movie scripts and screenwriting? I read a lot of movie scripts and i see in between dialogue the term “beat”. What is the purpose and… Continue reading

Screenwriting Class – Become The Backbone Of A Successful Film


Screenwriting Class – Become The Backbone Of A Successful Film

When we think about favorite movies, it is the rich and engaging story lines and the captivating characters that make them memorable. There are, of course, other important… Continue reading

Is it worth it to pitch a script at the screenwriting expo?

by sparkleice

Question by Riverside2c: Is it worth it to pitch a script at the screenwriting expo? Is there a bigger chance of getting your script sold or optioned at the expo than through traditional means?

Best answer:

Answer… Continue reading

Q&A: Screenwriting process and how it works?

by Yvesanemone

Question by Trick C: Screenwriting process and how it works? I just would like to know what the process of script selling really is. When your screenplay does get recognized by an agency, how do they value… Continue reading

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