
Does the greenhouse scene make sense in the movie Twilight?

Question by Jenn: Does the greenhouse scene make sense in the movie Twilight? Does it? Because greenhouses need sunlight. And because Edward is a vampire he can’t be in sunlight. So in the greenhouse scene it doesn’t make sense… Continue reading

Does Cowboy Bebop: The Movie make sense if you haven’t watched the show?

by sashafatcat

Question by Dr.Freeman: Does Cowboy Bebop: The Movie make sense if you haven’t watched the show? I was planning on renting Cowboy Bebop: The Movie just to see if I liked it, before I actually bought the… Continue reading

Q&A: I can sense spirits in my home?

Question by : I can sense spirits in my home? Im not sure of what to do or if i should do anything, growing up spirits or demons im not sure have always contacted me for example one night i… Continue reading

euronews learning world – Making sense of maths Maths is certainly a mental challenge but it can also be fun, and ultimately rewarding. We look at schools in the US, Japan and China and compare their methods of teaching maths. Usually videos are seen as tools for… Continue reading

Q&A: haha what is going on? makes no sense?

Question by Pure1: haha what is going on? makes no sense? This girl told me how much of a crush she has had on me and we exchanged numbers. and we text everyday just about and she usually sends… Continue reading

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