Will there be a New Moon to the sequel for Twilight Movie?
Question by avabellla: Will there be a New Moon to the sequel for Twilight Movie? Twilight, the movie version of the book of Stephenie Meyer has been released since November 21st. I was wondering since the… Continue reading
Q&A: Can you believe they’re making a sequel to such a shi*** movie called twilight?
Question by Liberian Gurl: Can you believe they’re making a sequel to such a shi*** movie called twilight? I didn’t know they made sequels to shi tty a s s movies until now cuz I don’t watch them. Wow.… Continue reading
‘Cars 2’: The sequel is out of gas
‘Cars 2’: The sequel is out of gas Pixar is famous for a tough-love in-house creative committee that makes harsh criticisms and drastic revisions, hewing to a ruthless goal of perfection. Read more on Philadelphia Daily News
A heroic welcome… Continue reading
E3 2011: Aliens: Colonial Marines is the True Sequel to the Aliens Film
E3 2011: Aliens: Colonial Marines is the True Sequel to the Aliens Film It’s been development since 2006, and a similar game was canceled back in 2001. But as we saw at E3, Aliens: Colonial Marines is dangerously close to… Continue reading
How to successfully attract beginner or wannabee movie makers for major sequel film for MGM -type film-makers?
Question by Orfan Powers: How to successfully attract beginner or wannabee movie makers for major sequel film for MGM -type film-makers? I’m making a movie about disabled veterans and their frustrations with the V.A. It’s a sequel to a… Continue reading