she says she isnt ready for a serious relationship,cause of hurt from another man?B.S.?I think so?
Question by : she says she isnt ready for a serious relationship,cause of hurt from another man?B.S.?I think so? this girl told me shes wasnt ready for a serious realtionship,because her boyfriend cheated on her,and plus she has 2 baies… Continue reading
I think my computer have a serious virus. Need help to get it off.? I was watching movie online, then a window?
Question by Yihaa W: I think my computer have a serious virus. Need help to get it off.? I was watching movie online, then a window? I think my computer have a serious virus. Need help to… Continue reading
In Cosplay, the serious competitions, r the scripts written urself, or do u take the script from the anime?
Question by Superstar2559: In Cosplay, the serious competitions, r the scripts written urself, or do u take the script from the anime? I’m talking about the competitions ones, not the casual. Does it have to be written yourself or… Continue reading
‘Funny’ filmmaker has a serious career
‘Funny’ filmmaker has a serious career While your local multiplex has been busy distracting you with loud and expensive films about trips to Pandora and vampires in high school, Newton native Anna Boden has quietly been carving out one of… Continue reading
Q&A: Do you have a movie script you’d consider selling to an aspiring (serious) film maker?
Question by Sarah S: Do you have a movie script you’d consider selling to an aspiring (serious) film maker?
Best answer:
Answer by M.zubairWhat’s the toughest aspect of making an independent film? Is it getting finance,… Continue reading