
Is it legal for me to use the opening shot of a movie for a website that I make for school………?

Question by Alison: Is it legal for me to use the opening shot of a movie for a website that I make for school………? Is it legal for me to use the opening shot of a movie for a… Continue reading

One chance only to see Sure Shot Dombrowski

One chance only to see Sure Shot Dombrowski Sure shot has his sequel. A hockey film that debuted at the Edmonton International Film Festival will be shown in Sylvan Lake on Sunday. Read more on Red Deer Advocate

‘Transformers 3′ Shot In & Post-Converted to 3D [Updated]

‘Transformers 3′ Shot In & Post-Converted to 3D [Updated] Michael Bay’s robot sequel, ‘Transformers 3’, was shot using 3D camera rigs and the CGI/animated portions of the film will be the only sequences converted in post-production. Read more on Screen… Continue reading

Movie Directors And The Master Shot

by uniondocs

Movie Directors And The Master Shot

An old school director of photography shared a filmmaking pearl of wisdom that stuck with me before ever shooting my first movie scene. They said no matter what kind of amazing camera… Continue reading

“Making the Shot” by Nutnfancy ( LETC 2010)

A crucilble of tactical shooting, LETC provides excellent instructors, challenging courses of fire, ample learning opportunities, LOTS of shooting, and some great food. TNP guest shooter OfficerJared and I took a day to go and shoot and film in’s… Continue reading

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