
Was President Kennedy going to pull us out of Vietnam when he was shot?

by Joost J. Bakker IJmuiden

Question by Diver Dan 1977: Was President Kennedy going to pull us out of Vietnam when he was shot? We watched the movie JFK in class and my history teacher said that Oliver Stone… Continue reading

Location for TELL, Michael Bay Shot & Evil Robot Santa! – Film Riot

Ryan shows how to do the Michael Bay Elf shot from the Christmas special. Plus, we go to the location that he will be using to shoot his short film ‘TELL’, and gives a little trick to turn any location… Continue reading

Rutger Hauer is a hobo with a real shot

Rutger Hauer is a hobo with a real shot “When you shoot a gun, it’s not normal for the blood to come right back at you” Read more on National Post

A Screaming Man: How Chad’s Best Filmmaker Brought Cinema… Continue reading

4. Shot Design in Film – Filmmaking & Lighting Tutorial (Kitchen Scene)

To buy this film on DVD please go to Learn what makes great looking images in film, music videos etc. It’s not always the camera but how you design the shots. In this 4th tutorial I try to explain… Continue reading

I shot some movie clips vertically on my digital camera. How do I rotate them horizontally to view them?

by BenSpark

Question by deannnash: I shot some movie clips vertically on my digital camera. How do I rotate them horizontally to view them? I bought a Sony Cyper-Shot Carl Zeiss digital camera a year ago, and just started… Continue reading

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