
Q&A: Do you think the should make a “Heavy Metal” live action movie?

Question by : Do you think the should make a “Heavy Metal” live action movie? I Mean it was before my time but I remember my dad watching it with his friends when they were in his mid 20’s and… Continue reading

Q&A: Should people just stop making obscure book/movie/TV show references in their questions?

by Verloren Jaren

Question by Anna M: Should people just stop making obscure book/movie/TV show references in their questions? Nobody ever seems to get them… QuackJak: A garbageman!

Best answer:

Answer by QuackJakI know you are, but what… Continue reading

Should I take a video camera to Walmart tonight and make a movie about the girls waiting to buy New Moon?

by Mammaoca2008

Question by The Dissenter: Should I take a video camera to Walmart tonight and make a movie about the girls waiting to buy New Moon?

Best answer:

Answer by mandiidk if they will let you have… Continue reading

Q&A: Opinions on the Flip Camcorders? Should I buy one? Which one?

Question by Charlie: Opinions on the Flip Camcorders? Should I buy one? Which one? I want a camera/camcorder that I can use primarily to upload to Youtube. I’m looking for something… 1. GOOD IMAGE AND SOUND QUALITY! not like… Continue reading

Should they make a movie about the book “Alexander and the terrible horrible no good very bad day”?

by brandedchannels

Question by : Should they make a movie about the book “Alexander and the terrible horrible no good very bad day”? I’ve always loved that book and since they made a movie about “where the wild things are”… Continue reading

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