
A generation seen through `The Social Network’

A generation seen through `The Social Network’ “The Social Network” is a stylish, hyper-speed portrait of a Web-connected generation made by two men with scant love for the Internet who wouldn’t be caught dead “friending” anybody. Read more on AP via Yahoo! Finance

A generation seen through `The Social Network’

A generation seen through `The Social Network’ NEW YORK (AP) – “The Social Network” is a stylish, hyper-speed portrait of a Web-connected generation made by two men with scant love for the Internet who wouldn’t be caught dead “friending” anybody.… Continue reading

The Social Network Is Getting a Lot of ‘Likes’ [Reviews]

The Social Network Is Getting a Lot of ‘Likes’ [Reviews] # reviews David Fincher and Aaron Sorkin’s Facebook movie opens next week and the reviews are coming in. Surprisingly (?), stuffy old movie critics seem to think it’s, well, brilliant.… Continue reading

Why did ancient Indian social classes merge as small castes into rig Vedic civilization of religious Hinduism in India despite following the way of em

by Antonis Lamnatos

Why did ancient Indian social classes merge as small castes into rig Vedic civilization of religious Hinduism in India despite following the way of em

Why did ancient Indian social classes merge as small castes into rig… Continue reading

“The Social Network” script puts the Facebook generation on trial [Script Review]

“The Social Network” script puts the Facebook generation on trial [Script Review] # scriptreview Though it may not be science fiction, Facebook movie The Social Network does what all great SF does: It speculates about how new technologies are changing… Continue reading

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