
Q&A: 101 ways to annoy someone (you have to read it all)?

by Angelina 🙂

Question by jonny boy: 101 ways to annoy someone (you have to read it all)? 1. Sing the Batman theme incessantly.

2. In the memo field of all your checks, write “for sensual massage.”

3. Specify… Continue reading


Question by lauren: CAN SOMEONE HELP ME WITH MY MOVIE? ok i am making a movie for school and recorded a some stuff on my video camera………then i finalized it on these mini dvd-r cds. how do i upload… Continue reading

Can someone give me the name of a free movie making program?

by bm.iphone

Question by Royal Victory: Can someone give me the name of a free movie making program? I’ve used Audacity to edit and create my own tunes and applied Photostory to make my own slideshows complete with music.… Continue reading

What are some movies about someone making 3 wishes?

by caribb

Question by Eliz: What are some movies about someone making 3 wishes? I have to write an essay about what i would wish for if i had 3 wishes and i would like to know about some… Continue reading

I’m trying to get into watching all the Star Wars movies. Can someone explain to me the basics?

Question by Live. Love. Laugh.: I’m trying to get into watching all the Star Wars movies. Can someone explain to me the basics? My whole family has been a fan of Star Wars for who knows how long, and… Continue reading

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