What present can you get for someone who loves acting or writing scripts?
Question by wha?: What present can you get for someone who loves acting or writing scripts?
Best answer:
Answer by I♥EdwardCullenA video camera, so they can make their own films. They could write the scripts for it and… Continue reading
Q&A: Someone please please paraphrase this for me!! So it makes sense!?
Question by idc: Someone please please paraphrase this for me!! So it makes sense!? Because of the potential for perfect digital copies, paranoid movie studios forced a deeper copy protection requirement into the DVD standard. Content Scramble… Continue reading
Q&A: Is there someone out there using www.movieforumz.com?
Question by Angel A: Is there someone out there using www.movieforumz.com? they’ve banned because i posted an article that i’ve read and asking them is it true! this is the article… Movieforumz users: If you have ever used movieforumz,… Continue reading
Is killing someone as easy movies make it seem?
Question by David J: Is killing someone as easy movies make it seem? Is it tottaly different in real life. No that I would kill anyone
Best answer:
Answer by Elaineits hard. its a movie movies are fake.… Continue reading
Can someone give me a link where i can DOWNLOAD movie make for windows xp.?
Question by RX100: Can someone give me a link where i can DOWNLOAD movie make for windows xp.? I just want a link where it WONT show the requirments and will acctually download it.
Best… Continue reading