Q&A: Can Someone give me some sims 2 movie making tips?
Question by thedarkprincess122: Can Someone give me some sims 2 movie making tips? I’m already making sims 2 movies and putting them on youtube (I use sony vegas 7.0) But i want some more advanced tips. I’ve been watching… Continue reading
Health Insurance Scripts That Reveal WHY Someone Should Use You
Health Insurance Scripts That Reveal WHY Someone Should Use You
Stop thinking that you have to have the lowest price to get a new health insurance customer. You don’t even need to have the lowest co-pay. … Continue reading
Can someone help me see video in Microsoft Movie Maker?
Question by Terra: Can someone help me see video in Microsoft Movie Maker? I’ve converted my VOB files to MPG since that’s one of the supported file types, but for some reason, when I try to… Continue reading
How do you sell “something” to someone who doesn’t want it, but you have to do it for the company.?
Question by GoldenKissX: How do you sell “something” to someone who doesn’t want it, but you have to do it for the company.? How do you sell “something” to someone who doesn’t want it, but you have to do… Continue reading
How can someone make an independent movie go to movie theaters?
Question by Hey: How can someone make an independent movie go to movie theaters? How can someone make an independent movie go to movie theaters ? Do you need to pay something? Or get a license?… Continue reading