
do you think that someone could remake wizard of oz with todays movie technology and make it a great movie?

Question by Raiden: do you think that someone could remake wizard of oz with todays movie technology and make it a great movie? im not saying it be better than the original hardly anything is,but would it be a… Continue reading

I wanted to sell a movie script and wondering if someone used


Question by I wanted to sell a movie script and wondering if someone used

Best answer:

Answer by directorcontact an agent like i did.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Can someone please give me the information on copyright laws?

by wallyg

Question by Mrs Heather Schabby, M&D Goddess: Can someone please give me the information on copyright laws? My husband and I are starting a t-shirt business. We would like to know the following, and I’m having a… Continue reading

Q&A: Need someone to write a screenplay with me!?

by quapan

Question by Terry Y: Need someone to write a screenplay with me!? Hello, I am working on a movie script and I need someone who has good knowledge in story telling and dialogs. You can find a… Continue reading

Q&A: Can someone give me some advice on how to sell my script?

by fengschwing

Question by Jay: Can someone give me some advice on how to sell my script? Ok watch I want serious answers not answers like oh you need to get an agent or send the script of to… Continue reading

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