Q&A: Are there good scripts on the internet for skits or something?

Question by GivemeYoureyes: Are there good scripts on the internet for skits or something? I want to improve my acting. Any other suggestions for improving would be helpful to. Thanks a lot! I want scripts to practicing with. Practice… Continue reading

Q&A: Does spy movie, voice technology really exist? Can a voice sample be expanded to say something else?

by KM&G-Morris

Question by on a mission: Does spy movie, voice technology really exist? Can a voice sample be expanded to say something else? I guess it’s obvious that I’m not CIA but I need to know for a… Continue reading

Orlando offers something for every member of the family

Orlando offers something for every member of the family The deep, wraparound veranda stretches across the front of the circa-1900 southern mansion, shading your rocking chair and the cool mint julep at your elbow. In the distance, the sounds of… Continue reading

Q&A: What kind of qualifications makes a book something film-makers like to base their movie?

by the longhairedgit

Question by Ezra: What kind of qualifications makes a book something film-makers like to base their movie? Just wondering, what makes any novel a story that film-makers would like to use for they’re hollywood project? has… Continue reading

How do you change a Windows Movie Maker film into something that can be posted on YouTube?

Question by Haley .: How do you change a Windows Movie Maker film into something that can be posted on YouTube? How do you change a Windows Movie Maker film into something that can be posted on YouTube? Also,… Continue reading

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