
how do i make a movie with my sony AVCHD formatted camera when windows movie maker does’t support the HDformat?

by Al_HikesAZ

Question by Mayugi: how do i make a movie with my sony AVCHD formatted camera when windows movie maker does’t support the HDformat? ive converted with format factory to .wmv, .mpg, and .avi and for some reason… Continue reading

how do i make a movie with my sony AVCHD formatted camera when windows movie maker does’t support the HDformat?

Question by Mayugi: how do i make a movie with my sony AVCHD formatted camera when windows movie maker does’t support the HDformat? ive converted with format factory to .wmv, .mpg, and .avi and for some reason they wont… Continue reading

Q&A: Which version of Sony Vegas Movie Maker is compatible with AVCHD files?

Question by : Which version of Sony Vegas Movie Maker is compatible with AVCHD files? I have always been using Windows Movie maker, but now I need to buy another movie making software (And I’ve heard good things about Sony… Continue reading

Q&A: Help i need a good video making download like sony vegas.?

by Rosa Menkman

Question by avery j: Help i need a good video making download like sony vegas.? I have done the trials of sony vegas 9 and 10 and they have expired. I tried to do the free… Continue reading

Sony Vegas movie Studio HD 10 Platinum Production Suite

Sony Vegas movie Studio HD 10 Platinum Production Suite Video Rating: 4 / 5

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