
HD en Sony Vegas! Cómo Renderizar tus Videos para YouTube en Alta Definición

YouTube ahora permite a los usuarios subir sus videos en alta definición 720p. Debemos aprovechar esta capacidad al máximo. Tener el link “ver en HD” debajo de tus videos permitirá a la gente ver con gran detalle y un reproductor… Continue reading

Video overlay in Sony Vegas Movie Studio

Find more tips like this at .Overlay video clip with images or video to create simple PIP effect. Video Rating: 4 / 5

I haven’t been able to play CF since the patch and it isn’t looking like I… Continue reading

Recording Audio into Sony ACID pro- latency problems

Fixing latency problems (too fast/early, to slow/late) with audio recording in Sony ACID pro. ONLY WATCH THIS VIDEO IF: *You use a stock sound card, ie the sound card that came with your computer, not a professional audio interface. *You… Continue reading

Q&A: Is there a way I can get protype titler from sony vegas pro 9 (or 8) into sony vegas movie studio 9?

by coconut wireless

Question by Parlim: Is there a way I can get protype titler from sony vegas pro 9 (or 8) into sony vegas movie studio 9? I was watching some tutorials and I was very excited to… Continue reading

Slow motion / fast motion in Sony Vegas / Movie Studio

Find more tips like this at – See how to speed up or slow down video clips in Sony Vegas and Sony Movie Studio. Create slow motion or fast motion Find more videos and more info like this at… Continue reading

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