Speaking Of Sex
To save their marriage, a sexually frustrated couple (Jay Mohr and Melora Walters) tries visiting a counselor, psychologist, and their lawyers. Instead of the usual advice, these experts offer innovative ways of fixing the couple’s problems. Their sex lives do… Continue reading
TOEFL SPEAKING question 4 part 2 (3 samples)
YOU WILL FIND THE TEXTS JUST A LITTLE FURTHER DOWN, AFTER THE INSTRUCTIONS. Here are 3 sample questions for the TOEFL IBT 4th speaking section. As you probably know, the speaking part of the test is divided into 6 different… Continue reading
Q&A: Culturally speaking, why Spike Lee is so sickly jealous of Italians?
Question by : Culturally speaking, why Spike Lee is so sickly jealous of Italians? The man is jealous of Italians to a criminal degree. Italians have the greatest cuisine, great history, Roman empire, art, opera, cars,… Continue reading
Speaking Piano – Now with (somewhat decent) captions!
A “speaking piano” reciting the Proclamation of the European Environmental Criminal Court at World Venice Forum 2009. Unfortunately it’s all in German, but what the piano says is all English, and it’s really neat to watch. UPDATE: Astera on hackaday… Continue reading
Spiritually speaking, what is your favourite piece of hate mail you have received?
Question by Ethan: Spiritually speaking, what is your favourite piece of hate mail you have received? Because I just opened my inbox to check my emails and I was greeted with this:
Hello Ethan,
You… Continue reading