Watch: Meet the star kids of Slumdog millionaire
They play the role of the protagonist Jamal in the film thats making waves.
AVAILABLE NOW ON TRACK IT DOWN JOIN THE DONORS ON FACEBOOK The Organ Donors first Diva Fit of 2011! And their follow up to… Continue reading
How to Make a German Paper Star Part One
After looking at 2 videos and several diagrams, I finally figured out how to make these. You need 4 strips of paper that are 17 inches long and 1/2 and inch wide. This is part one. I did it in… Continue reading
Lego Star Wars (Episode IV)
This is all the cutsceans from the Lego Star Wars II game for Episode IV and I compiled them together to make the movie out of it. Check out all six!!
Quintessential star Elizabeth Taylor dies at 79
Quintessential star Elizabeth Taylor dies at 79 Elizabeth Taylor, screen goddess, was born in 1951’s “A Place in the Sun,” when she cooed into Montgomery Clift’s ear, “You’ll be my pickup.” Taylor had been a child and teenage star, but… Continue reading