
What are some techniques for writing a good script?

by Axel Bührmann

Question by BrokenDaisy: What are some techniques for writing a good script? I don’t have a degree in English but I am sure I can make sense out of all the times I talk/write. How can… Continue reading

Basic Airbrushing Techniques

In this video you’ll learn how to do some basic airbrushing. From creating simple cutout patterns, making feather/hair textures, airbrushing clouds and creating metal rivets…it’s all in this video! Video Rating: 4 / 5

Q&A: What language (and/or) language techniques are used that are specific to Twilight reviews?

Question by Ruby: What language (and/or) language techniques are used that are specific to Twilight reviews? Its for a language investigation, about how twilight reviewers make people want to go and see the movie.

Best answer:

Answer by Brianna… Continue reading

techniques behind creating a photo and creating moving pictures?

by shaun wong

Question by sabrina: techniques behind creating a photo and creating moving pictures? I know that a film (a movie), in simplicity, is just a bunch of still images put together. But is the process of creating a photo and creating moving pictures similar all the way from getting a latent image-> making it visible -> getting a negative -> making it positive..?

Best answer:

Answer by Buster HymenYes, as along as traditional film is being used, the process is the same.

What… Continue reading

BMW Films – The Hire – Driving Techniques

The Hire is a series of short films made by BMW together with some of the worlds best directors. Driving Techniques shows you what you can do with your BMW, BUT SHOULDN’T!

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