What are some productive ways to use technology in the classroom?
Question by : What are some productive ways to use technology in the classroom? Okay I have to say our school is pathetic, with the strict filter and hardly using technology because we can’t access anything to share our documents.… Continue reading
48. Gene Technology 1 of 6
Genetic technology refers to the artificial manipulation of DNA and genes. This video looks at the tools and techniques involved in genetic technology. The tools include genetic scissors – called restriction enzymes, a genetic joining enzyme called ligase, as well… Continue reading
You are addicted to technology when… (A joke JEEZE)?
Question by Willy: You are addicted to technology when… (A joke JEEZE)? Willys cynical thought for the day;
I’m so old I know ALL the answers but nobody asks me the freaking questions!
You… Continue reading
What happened to the good days with gang bangers and technology?
Question by converse_rocker: What happened to the good days with gang bangers and technology? All my 13 years of living i have not seen any thing the newest technology, tons of murders on the news, sex in… Continue reading