
Schwarzenegger as The Terminator Again!!!!?

Question by bombs_away: Schwarzenegger as The Terminator Again!!!!? I read on wiki that Arnold Schwarzenegger and Roland Kickinger will play as the T-800 Model 101 in the fourth Terminator movie this summer! Schwarzenegger provides his voice, while the Austrian… Continue reading

Who thinks they ruined the terminator 3 movie by making the terminator female.?

by Sebastian Niedlich (Grabthar)

Question by Meath3ad: Who thinks they ruined the terminator 3 movie by making the terminator female.? Not trying to cause trouble but it just doesn’t work. It doesn’t have the same affect. The terminator was… Continue reading

Making Terminator Makeup

A vid showing the processes involved in making some prosthetic makeup. Video Rating: 4 / 5

Arnold Schwarzenegger Mr Olympia 7th time `WINNER` The Terminator is Back.

After a five year gap making movies “Arnie is Back” And here are all the results of Mr. Olympia 2008 contest: 1. Dexter Jackson 2. Jay Cutler 3. Phil Heath 4. Dennis Wolf 5. Toney Freeman 6. Melvin Anthony 7.… Continue reading

Q&A: In the movie T2, What was the make and model of the lever action shot gun the Terminator used?

Question by blackbyrd: In the movie T2, What was the make and model of the lever action shot gun the Terminator used? I need to know if that is a real weapon or was it just some prop guy’s… Continue reading

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