What kind of camera (and what resolution) do you need to make a movie theater standee size/quality print?
by Ed Yourdon
Question by Cheshire Dragon: What kind of camera (and what resolution) do you need to make a movie theater standee size/quality print? The printing itself won’t be a problem for me; I have several options withing… Continue reading
Q&A: Whats a better job working at a movie theater or mcdonalds?
by dsleeter_2000
Question by sam logic: Whats a better job working at a movie theater or mcdonalds? I currently work at mcdonalds but recently applied to a movie theater and called them, and i think they may hire me… Continue reading
What’s a good sites or resources to find info for a business plan to open a movie theater?
by St. Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral – Memphis
Question by Nick L: What’s a good sites or resources to find info for a business plan to open a movie theater? Currently I’m taking an Entrepenuersip course in college and we… Continue reading