Q&A: Is there going to be a “Twilight Movie” made by MTV anytime soon?
Question by nmdarocha93: Is there going to be a “Twilight Movie” made by MTV anytime soon? I am a big fan of the “Twilight” series by Stephenie Meyer. I heard that MTV productions was going to make a movie.… Continue reading
Q&A: Is there a website where i can send them an ID template and they can make it for me?
Question by ahmadyk23: Is there a website where i can send them an ID template and they can make it for me? I need to make an ID for a small independent movie, and i need a site where… Continue reading
Q&A: Is there a way I can get protype titler from sony vegas pro 9 (or 8) into sony vegas movie studio 9?
Question by Parlim: Is there a way I can get protype titler from sony vegas pro 9 (or 8) into sony vegas movie studio 9? I was watching some tutorials and I was very excited to… Continue reading
Is there any cartoon movie have the moral value discipline?
Question by Nelson Khor: Is there any cartoon movie have the moral value discipline? Do you know any cartoon movie ( Walt Disney, WB….) that has the moral value to learn? Especially about discipline. I ask this… Continue reading
Q&A: Are there any websites you can download softwere to make a 3D Movie?
Question by Owen Clark: Are there any websites you can download softwere to make a 3D Movie? Are there any websites that allow you to download a free 3D movie maker
Best answer:
Answer by Collin OstingIt’s software… Continue reading