
Q&A: What other good and free editing programs are there apart from windows movie maker?

by Joost J. Bakker IJmuiden

Question by Bethany: What other good and free editing programs are there apart from windows movie maker? ok well i wanna make and edit videos for youtube but windows movie maker is rubbish to… Continue reading

Q&A: Has anyone heard what is going on with New Moon will there be a movie on that one?

by Ken Lund

Question by Emily Z: Has anyone heard what is going on with New Moon will there be a movie on that one? will there be a movie on New Moon (Twilights sequel) and will when it… Continue reading

Q&A: Are there any sims 3 emotion cheats?

by uniondocs

Question by Katherine V: Are there any sims 3 emotion cheats? Like cheats so you can make them do a certain emotion on command? for like movie making or something? Ex. cheer or cry on command.

Best… Continue reading

Are there other download frauds like PSP Blender?

by markkilner

Question by apprentice: Are there other download frauds like PSP Blender? At the top of the home page, it says “PSP Blender offers PSP Downloads – Fill your PSP with Movies, Games, Music, Wallpaper.”

In the FAQ… Continue reading

Q&A: Will there be a sequel to Stephanie Meyers The Host if so when will it come out?

by caseorganic

Question by leighhhhh: Will there be a sequel to Stephanie Meyers The Host if so when will it come out? I heard there was gonna be and it was called The Soul but i was wondering if… Continue reading

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