
are they making a movie out of the book twilight, eclipse, new moon?

by Cwluc

Question by WhiteBread8: are they making a movie out of the book twilight, eclipse, new moon?

Best answer:

Answer by Julia 🙂Yes they are making a movie out of Twilight and if it sells good in… Continue reading

How do they get the movie titles like this?

Question by FreeSilence: How do they get the movie titles like this? Hey, If anyone knows I would really love to know how they get the movie titles to do this. I’m making some graphics and stuff so this… Continue reading

are they making a clique movie for all the books or just the first one?

by uniondocs

Question by hayley b: are they making a clique movie for all the books or just the first one?

Best answer:

Answer by Vale RThe movie it’s about the first book i think. If you want… Continue reading

Will my scripts be safe in the hands of agents? Will they not publish my books under a new title?

by alterna2

Question by emmanuel o: Will my scripts be safe in the hands of agents? Will they not publish my books under a new title? In my previous question, I asked how I could get a reliable and… Continue reading

Are they making a movie for the book Unwind by Neal Shusterman?

Question by Goldenfur productions: Are they making a movie for the book Unwind by Neal Shusterman? I just finished this book only a few minutes ago and earlier i was online and found out that this book is possibly… Continue reading

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