Why do americans look up to movie stars that all got their job because they know somebody in hollyowod?
Question by fdsgfgf d: Why do americans look up to movie stars that all got their job because they know somebody in hollyowod? Why do people idolize people that make and are actors in movies. All they do is… Continue reading
If they were to make the movie “west side story today”, what would it be called?
Question by Him: If they were to make the movie “west side story today”, what would it be called? for my project i had to make a movie poster advertising my movie as if it were the present west… Continue reading
Q&A: Does anyone know if they are planning on making New Moon and Eclipse into movies too?
Question by : Does anyone know if they are planning on making New Moon and Eclipse into movies too?
Best answer:
Answer by aperuhl[jw♥]It’ll prolly depend on how Twilight does, but I hope they do!
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Have they started filming the hunger games yet (the book series how there making it in to a movie)?
Question by : Have they started filming the hunger games yet (the book series how there making it in to a movie)?
Best answer:
Answer by him who is meno they havent started yet
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Q&A: I keep seeing those 3D imax movie concerts advertised? Are they good?
Question by R35torque: I keep seeing those 3D imax movie concerts advertised? Are they good? I am wondering whether its worth the money to see one. I have seen one advertised near where I live for… Continue reading