were did they make the movie twilight?
Question by Karla G: were did they make the movie twilight?
Best answer:
Answer by Valethats a good question. idk.
What do you think? Answer below!
Q&A: When are they going to make a movie for new moon(the twilight series)?
Question by Me_Myself16: When are they going to make a movie for new moon(the twilight series)? twilight books and movies
Best answer:
Answer by Samanthathey started filming it already
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Why do they keep making stupid Superman movies like the last one? Why don’t they get a good story like the
Question by joeleegoss: Why do they keep making stupid Superman movies like the last one? Why don’t they get a good story like the Doomsday story and make a movie out of it yes it would cost… Continue reading
are they making a movie for the sequal to twilight (new moon)?
Question by claire: are they making a movie for the sequal to twilight (new moon)?
Best answer:
Answer by ~TwilightFreek~YES! And the same actors will be in it! Just not sure about the director but… Continue reading
Does anyone HATE it when they make your favorite book into a movie?
Question by Al Becha,Herbie Hynd,S.Rokkin: Does anyone HATE it when they make your favorite book into a movie? I sure do. I’m a big reader (chucked TV 10yrs ago) and really can be moved by a great… Continue reading