Step Daughter makes hostile remarks, out of the blue many times. How does one reply to this?
Question by Jackie: Step Daughter makes hostile remarks, out of the blue many times. How does one reply to this? I’m talking to my 11 yr old step-daughter about for example pets. She says things like “If I had… Continue reading
Q&A: How is my Dad,my young nextdoor neighbors, and I going to make this animated movie?
Question by M B: How is my Dad,my young nextdoor neighbors, and I going to make this animated movie? Last year I hand drew a kids animated movie and I just finished all the pictures by… Continue reading
Does anybody remember the name of this horror movie?
Question by : Does anybody remember the name of this horror movie? It was a 70’s or 80’s film…In the beginning there is a creep killer looking in and going past windows,and in the process there is… Continue reading
Re: This is How My Son Does Dishes
This is How My Son Does Dishes This video This is How My Son Does Dishes is taking chores and making them fun. Link Thanks so much, and don’t forget to check me out on the links below! MY… Continue reading
Why is netflix legal?How is this different then watching movies online?
Question by : Why is netflix legal?How is this different then watching movies online? How do movie companies make money if I don’t buy there movie and instead watch it on netflix?Why do they allow this?
Best answer:… Continue reading