Q&A: Teens: How come some of you act like this?
Question by : Teens: How come some of you act like this? If you’re in a movie theater you clap at every single thing that happens. When you’re at school you start clapping in the cafeteria to get other people… Continue reading
Whats this program?
Question by CoFFee Babe!: Whats this program? Okay. You know those program’s people use to make their videos super cool and hollywood looking.
Well Windows Movie Maker. Yeah i use it but i want another video editor. You know… Continue reading
Q&A: What do you think about this mini review of T2?
Question by Crazy_Man: What do you think about this mini review of T2? I wrote it for a top ten list of “movies you should see before you die”. I know its now a full review… Continue reading
Where can I watch this movie online?
Question by wahful: Where can I watch this movie online? I am a huge Harry potter fan. I have recently discovered the movie ‘The Wizard Rockumentary: A Movie About Rocking and Rowling’ and RLY want to watch it. But its not on Netflix or any sites I usually use. I googled it but still nothing. Any one know where I can watch this online with out having to download it to my computer???? You will completely make my day!!!!!!!!!!!! >Best answer:
Answer by DarkshadowThe easiest website I use is letmewatchthis.com AWESOME WEB! Free movies!
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Is this the right Laptop for me?
Question by Jane: Is this the right Laptop for me? I want a machine that can be able to SERIOUSLY multi-task.I want to be able to download/stream a movie,play good games(nothing too serious though),chat online with… Continue reading