
What movie is this? I saw the movie trailer but I can’t remember the name.?

by frumbert

Question by : What movie is this? I saw the movie trailer but I can’t remember the name.? Yesterday I was on “” watching “when I was 17” and a couple of times a movie trailer popped up.… Continue reading

Is this a good Laptop for me?

by jurvetson

Question by Jane: Is this a good Laptop for me? I want a machine that can be able to SERIOUSLY multi-task.I want to be able to download/stream a movie,play good games(nothing too serious though),chat online with multiple… Continue reading

Where can I watch this movie online?

Question by wahful: Where can I watch this movie online? I am a huge Harry potter fan. I have recently discovered the movie ‘The Wizard Rockumentary: A Movie About Rocking and Rowling’ and RLY want to watch it. But its not on Netflix or any sites I usually use. I googled it but still nothing. Any one know where I can watch this online with out having to download it to my computer???? You will completely make my day!!!!!!!!!!!! >Best answer:

Answer by DarkshadowThe easiest website I use is AWESOME WEB! Free movies!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Q&A: How do I begin making physical contact with this girl?

by by Lorena

Question by Ben T: How do I begin making physical contact with this girl? Ok, before I begin, let’s note that when I say “physical contact,” I don’t mean sexual contact. I’m talking about putting my… Continue reading

Where can I watch this movie online?

Question by wahful: Where can I watch this movie online? I am a huge Harry potter fan. I have recently discovered the movie ‘The Wizard Rockumentary: A Movie About Rocking and Rowling’ and RLY want to watch it. But its not on Netflix or any sites I usually use. I googled it but still nothing. Any one know where I can watch this online with out having to download it to my computer???? You will completely make my day!!!!!!!!!!!! >Best answer:

Answer by DarkshadowThe easiest website I use is AWESOME WEB! Free movies!

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