
Q&A: Name this movie?

Question by *Gerry’sBaby*: Name this movie? OK. There’s a movie that came out in the late 80s, early 90s. I can’t remember what it’s called. I remember that it’s about a boy who gets sucked into an animated world.… Continue reading

What do you guys think about this idea for a book?

Question by Claudia: What do you guys think about this idea for a book? There is a group of teenagers that are in Mexico, and then 9 tsunamis occur (they survive to all of them), but then the last… Continue reading

What do you think of this laptop? (no links)?

Question by : What do you think of this laptop? (no links)? Go to Bestbuy (site) and enter this SKU 2712579

here are the specs:

Price: $ 1,199

What’s Included Asus Laptop / Intel® Core™ i7 Processor / 17.3″ Display… Continue reading

Q&A: this old movie i watched as a kid?

Question by : this old movie i watched as a kid? there was this movie that was about how these kids wanted to go to camp but they didn’t want to go to just any old camp they wanted to… Continue reading

How come my windows movie maker does this?

by bhollar

Question by ~♥~ Janae ~♥~: How come my windows movie maker does this? Umm it says there is an error and if I want to send the error report or not sometimes I do and sometimes I… Continue reading

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