Q&A: Can you help me write a conclusion to go opposite this introduction?
Question by Matt: Can you help me write a conclusion to go opposite this introduction? Movies have always been one of out nation’s most popular pastimes. Films throughout history have helped dictate the latest style, what is considered socially… Continue reading
what is the name of this movie?
Question by : what is the name of this movie? okay i saw this horror movie a little while ago but i forget what it is called. this group of school kids from high school i think go into the… Continue reading
is this computer crap?
Question by joe citizen: is this computer crap? im not too knowledgeable about computer hardware so this is the info i have adm athlon processor tf-20 1.60 hgz ram=3.00 gb 2.75 useable 64-bit os is this ok? what do… Continue reading
What is this movie *Ten points?
Question by jardie01: What is this movie *Ten points? The movie came out in the 90s I think. Its about a group of children that sneak away in the daytime and there make their own camp and they return… Continue reading
Q&A: Can anyone identify the car from this movie?
Question by : Can anyone identify the car from this movie? Does anyone know the year/make/model of the purple car driven by Cassandra (Eva Amurri) in the film, “Saved!”?
Best answer:
Answer by lovecomesagain’73 or a ’74 model of… Continue reading