This Week in Mobile – Rim Buntinas developer of Voice Band
Featuring Rim Buntinas, developer of Voice Band and Mike Hobbs, tech enthusiast. For more information, show notes, and an upcoming schedule, go to The big news this week was the iPhone 4 pre-order meltdown. The app of the week… Continue reading
Q&A: twilight and NEW MOON: Will this movie make Jacob more popular than Edward?
Question by Beige Brown Blues: twilight and NEW MOON: Will this movie make Jacob more popular than Edward? Taylor is hunking it up…and while rob smolders..there is no denying the steam coming off taylor…an his face… Continue reading
Q&A: Is this a good essay? Any suggestions?
Question by : Is this a good essay? Any suggestions? IF YOU GOING TO EDIT THIS FOR ME, THANK YOU. PLEASE DON’T BE CRUEL!!!!
For a country to achieve great success in a particular sector, it is of great importance… Continue reading
Christians!! This Disney movie is a product of Satan- do you agree?
Question by lindsey p: Christians!! This Disney movie is a product of Satan- do you agree? I was shocked and offended by this movie I saw the other day. It was called Cinderella and it teaches impressionable… Continue reading
I’d like to make a simple movie with my friends. How should we do this?
Question by ~Claire~ FutureFilmmaker: I’d like to make a simple movie with my friends. How should we do this? I want to be a Film Director when I’m older. I figured, maybe I could round up some friends and… Continue reading