
Q&A: If the US couldn’t win Vietnam with super hard boot camp, how do they expect to win Iraq with this PC crap?

by Max Sparber

Question by ThatOneDude: If the US couldn’t win Vietnam with super hard boot camp, how do they expect to win Iraq with this PC crap? I went through the US Army’s basic training at Ft. Jackson,… Continue reading

Q&A: Is there a good movie like this?

Question by Penelepe: Is there a good movie like this? I want to watch a movie that is an action movie, preferably one that is unrealistic…like a new world, future existance, special powers?, etc Where people have to make… Continue reading

how come this will not go into windows movie maker?

Question by TheNardCake: how come this will not go into windows movie maker? Well i finally figured out how to get my ipod camera videos to my computer (nano 5th gen.). So now i have a whole seperate file… Continue reading

i want to be a movie director, casting director and work for cartoons what are the best steps to achieve this?

Question by numbuh 3: i want to be a movie director, casting director and work for cartoons what are the best steps to achieve this? my dream is to work in movies and become a director for cartoon shows.… Continue reading

What is the title to this lifetime movie?

by jurvetson

Question by Zesty: What is the title to this lifetime movie? There is this african american girl who plays the piano and she makes friends with the wrong crowd. One of the girl tries to frame her… Continue reading

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