What do you guys think of this movie?
Question by Black Guy: What do you guys think of this movie? I am a independent filmaker and i am making a movie called Raised in the Projects. It is a movie about a bright young teen who tries… Continue reading
whats that movie called when there’s this ship in the ocean and a big wave tips it over during night.?
Question by ashleybabeee: whats that movie called when there’s this ship in the ocean and a big wave tips it over during night.? okay, so ive seen this movie before but i forgot what its called. it starts out… Continue reading
Q&A: Where can I buy this movie online?
Question by ChrisChristine: Where can I buy this movie online? I am looking for a DVD of “Of Human Bondage” with Kim Novak and Laurence Harvey. Do some movies just never make it to DVD? It is one of… Continue reading
Is this an okay movie topic for school?
Question by ♥Ryssa♥: Is this an okay movie topic for school? I was thinking making a movie about relationships. Healthy ones, staring me and my boyfriend, then unhealthy ones. I have to talk to my best friend and see… Continue reading
should obama and CIA receive this year oscar for best movie?
Question by The Rightly Guided: should obama and CIA receive this year oscar for best movie? To “make” the most funny movie ever made in history of cinema !!
Best answer:
Answer by MonkeyThey should receive an oscar… Continue reading