What do you think of this dialogue?
Question by It’snot Important: What do you think of this dialogue? “I would like another drink, please.” “You drank everything in the country. The bar’s closed—Come again soon, though, when you’re back in town.” “Oh, damn you!” Mr. Wolff… Continue reading
Please help, what can I do to stop this??? :(?
Question by Willy Wonka: Please help, what can I do to stop this??? :(? I’m 13 years old, and this has been going on for years. When I was 8 years old my teacher noticed that I… Continue reading
Windows Movie Maker: opinions on this program? is it to be taken seriously?can I make a quality movie with it?
Question by Human: Windows Movie Maker: opinions on this program? is it to be taken seriously?can I make a quality movie with it? I’m making a feature length film that I want to submit to festivals.… Continue reading
Would you go and see this movie?? (opinion on storyline)?
Question by Young Jizza: Would you go and see this movie?? (opinion on storyline)? my friends and i are making a gang/mob movie… were 16. umm this is what we have right now, tell me what you think and… Continue reading