
Need a name to this movie?

Question by JL: Need a name to this movie? in the beginning, he’s dreaming of surfing this wave, and he’s actually surfing on his bed. I remember it when I was little. It’s probably from the 80s. I also… Continue reading

Q&A: Is this good??? (EASY QUESTION… 10PTS!!!)?

by Dallas Film Society Images

Question by nickname: Is this good??? (EASY QUESTION… 10PTS!!!)? my class and i are making a christmas/birthday present for our spanish teacher. It is called 101 reasons why Ms. ____ is amazing (we might… Continue reading

Some questions I have. (This is really long)?

Question by — VMPlvr —: Some questions I have. (This is really long)? First off this is a long (I mean reall really long) post. So yeah.

1. What is asexual? I’ve always been tempted to say (uh yeah.… Continue reading

I cant figure out the name of this movie?

by Foxtongue

Question by Heather T: I cant figure out the name of this movie? ok so this movie is about this guy who writes about haunted places that he has visited but they don’t seem to surprise him.… Continue reading

Q&A: Today yahoo posted the “worse hairstyles in movie history”. I think this is a load of bull, what about you?

Question by Captain Katan: Today yahoo posted the “worse hairstyles in movie history”. I think this is a load of bull, what about you? After looking through the pictures that they posted i found many of them absolutly gorgeous,… Continue reading

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