How is it possible that those illegal movie site make revenue?
Question by ***Jamie J***: How is it possible that those illegal movie site make revenue? I don’t get it, how is it possible for those sites manage to make money? Sites like, and It… Continue reading
Where can I buy a program or learn about making those emationcon faces or mini movie for Lotus Notes?
Question by XRAYDELTA1: Where can I buy a program or learn about making those emationcon faces or mini movie for Lotus Notes? Want to make emtioncons for Lotus notes
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Answer by HiAmazon
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Q&A: Question for those who know their movie stuff?
Question by Christopher: Question for those who know their movie stuff? I’d like to know who and how old the youngest person to ever sell a spec script was.
I think they youngest screenwriters to win an… Continue reading
Q&A: How do you deal with those kids selling magazines for points to go to Spain?
Question by cynthetiq: How do you deal with those kids selling magazines for points to go to Spain? I got one of them last night… Do they give those dorks scripts to memorize? This guy thought he was a… Continue reading