Q&A: Should they re-make the Twilight movies?
Question by : Should they re-make the Twilight movies? A lot of people actually thought the books were good. The first movie was more tolerable than the last two. The movies seemed to care more about their moany girl fan… Continue reading
Q&A: What are characters in twilight that are in the first chapter of the book?
Question by Stephh: What are characters in twilight that are in the first chapter of the book? im making a sims2 movie for twilight and need to know the characters in the first chapter. i got bella, edward, charlie,… Continue reading
5 questions from the movie twilight?
Question by lilly17: 5 questions from the movie twilight? ok the first one is why did edward say to bella “you dont know how long i waited for you”? did he know her in some past life or something?… Continue reading
is anyone else sad about the end of the Twilight saga?
Question by LinnA: is anyone else sad about the end of the Twilight saga? just wondering cuz i’m very very sad that it is over..buuut i totally loved the last book..i thought it was awsome how bella had that… Continue reading
are they going to be making more movies out of the ‘twilight’ series?
Question by mighty_power7: are they going to be making more movies out of the ‘twilight’ series?
Best answer:
Answer by Auntie SYuppers, but they are going to space them out
Of course, they’ll want to milk this hoopla… Continue reading