
Why do guys hate Twilight and New Moon and make fun of girls who like these movies?

by frogDNA

Question by Dead: Why do guys hate Twilight and New Moon and make fun of girls who like these movies?

Best answer:

Answer by Ruehl925I don’t hate it. I hate how people treat it, like its… Continue reading

Who else can’t wait to see the new twilight movie?

Question by : Who else can’t wait to see the new twilight movie? I get to see the movie on Monday. Me and my boyfriend are going, we plan on making out in the back row…so not sure how much… Continue reading

My friends and I are making our own version of twilight movie. Who should play bella. I can’t decide from 4.?

Question by suikazura: My friends and I are making our own version of twilight movie. Who should play bella. I can’t decide from 4.? 1 Lacy She’s quit so clumsey and is always getting bruise. Righ now she bruised… Continue reading

Q&A: Twilight sequel movies and rereading series?

Question by Sabby: Twilight sequel movies and rereading series? Are they making movies for the rest of the twilight series, like New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn? Also, I’ve been reading the Twilight series, best books of my life,… Continue reading

Does the greenhouse scene make sense in the movie Twilight?

Question by Jenn: Does the greenhouse scene make sense in the movie Twilight? Does it? Because greenhouses need sunlight. And because Edward is a vampire he can’t be in sunlight. So in the greenhouse scene it doesn’t make sense… Continue reading

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