
Who would accept unsolicited scripts?

Question by : Who would accept unsolicited scripts? I haven written two scripts and they look like they’re ready to go. Is there a way I can get a Film Production Company to look at them if I don’t have… Continue reading

Studios that accept unsolicited scripts?

Question by Jennifer S: Studios that accept unsolicited scripts? Do any of u guys know any studio that accept unsolicited scripts n pay the writer? Or are there agents which REALLY help individuals sell screenplays? Or are there competetions for individuals to take part and to bring attention on the screenplay? Please name them for me if u know any. And any advise will be appreciated! Thanks >o< Best answer:

Answer by Maryn BittnerNobody accepts unsolicited scripts. Some studios and many independent production companies accept unsolicited query letters in which you attempt to “sell” your script,… Continue reading

Q&A: What does it mean when Movie Production companies says they don’t accept unsolicited scripts?

by Kmeron

Question by Bugsy: What does it mean when Movie Production companies says they don’t accept unsolicited scripts? What does it mean when Movie Production companies says they don’t accept unsolicited scripts?

Best answer:

Answer by MontyIt… Continue reading

How likely is it that a studio will take an unsolicited script?

by Antonis Lamnatos

Question by Stephen M: How likely is it that a studio will take an unsolicited script? Robert Altman, for instance, got into film that way. He just sold a script to RKO and they made it.… Continue reading

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