

JOSH DUHAMEL WANTS TO GET DARK AND DIRTY! JOSH Duhamel wants his next movie to be “dirty and dark”. The Hollywood hunk — who’s married to Black Eyed Peas star Ferige — says he has had it with blockbuster action… Continue reading

Q&A: Is it true Obama wants a bill passed that requires movie companies to put the movie online right…?

Question by Godless Ability To Reason: Is it true Obama wants a bill passed that requires movie companies to put the movie online right…? right after it hits theaters? I heard he wants to make it so like after… Continue reading

Trent Reznor wants to get closer to movies

Trent Reznor wants to get closer to movies The Nine Inch Nails front man, who had worked with director David Fincher, scores ‘The Social Network.’ The Nine Inch Nails front man, who had worked with director David Fincher, scores ‘The… Continue reading

which model is the best camcorder for a student that wants to make a movie?

by mark sebastian

Question by bye: which model is the best camcorder for a student that wants to make a movie? I’m a student. I want to make a movie but i don’t know what model is the best… Continue reading

Leibowitz wants to transform Denver into filmmaking capital

Leibowitz wants to transform Denver into filmmaking capital Michael Leibowitz’s charcoal gray suit and yellow silk tie certainly don’t give away his ambitions to become the biggest movie mogul in Denver, the U.S. and the world. Read more on Denver… Continue reading

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