
Q&A: Did your school make you watch the movie “Remember the Titans”?

by Ken Lund

Question by Ice Cream Man: Did your school make you watch the movie “Remember the Titans”? Its rare to find a person who wasnt made to watch this movie in American schools..If not in grade school,… Continue reading

Does anyone know how to enable java scripts on a mda. im trying to watch youtube videos on it?

Question by Chigo: Does anyone know how to enable java scripts on a mda. im trying to watch youtube videos on it? I already downloaded macromedia player for pocket pcs on ma phone. I just need to know how… Continue reading

Why won’t Obama make it illegal to watch movies and music videos?

Question by billy: Why won’t Obama make it illegal to watch movies and music videos? Times are hard, and they spending all this money on pointless movies. Has anyone ever thought about how much it cost to make a… Continue reading

Q&A: Why are my sims 2 movies always come out blurry when I watch them?

by Cruel Queen // Cathy

Question by JD: Why are my sims 2 movies always come out blurry when I watch them? I enjoy making movies with the sims 2. Whenever I make a movie, when I watch it,… Continue reading

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