Can watching the movie Twilight too many times make you gay?
Question by You’re gonna love my nuts!: Can watching the movie Twilight too many times make you gay? I’m a total heterosexual, but I can’t stop watching the movie Twilight. The more I watch it, the more I become… Continue reading
Movie watching websites?
Question by toni: Movie watching websites? The one movie site i used to use WITHOUT any surveys got seized. I’ve been looking all over for another website but every single one of them requires you to fill… Continue reading
Q&A: Does watching every movie that comes out make you smart or does doing well in school?
Question by specialist: Does watching every movie that comes out make you smart or does doing well in school? My friend watches EVERY movie that comes out because he says he teaches you lifes lessons. I… Continue reading
Funny things to do when watching a movie in class?
Question by Grace-Charlotte Watson: Funny things to do when watching a movie in class? in class we watch movies sometimes. like pointless ones when its near end term or about our work ones. its really boring. is their anything… Continue reading
Q&A: I was just watching a documentary on Iran (Persia), history dating back thousands of years?
Question by Jason: I was just watching a documentary on Iran (Persia), history dating back thousands of years? with cyrus the great being known as the creator of the first charter for human rights, why doesn’t hollywood make a… Continue reading