
Does anyone know a website that can give me scripts and monologues to practice off of?

by Kmeron

Question by Justin: Does anyone know a website that can give me scripts and monologues to practice off of? Does anyone know a website or publication that offers free scripts, monologues, scenes, and maybe acting tips and… Continue reading

Is there any website where I can read SCRIPTS online?

Question by Nekochan: Is there any website where I can read SCRIPTS online? Film or theatrical, I just want to become familiar with the writing format.

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Does anyone know a website to find christian pantomime scripts to do for a church?

Question by Megan: Does anyone know a website to find christian pantomime scripts to do for a church? There are a couple of pantomimes we know such as “Lifehouse Everything skit,” “Mark Schultz He’s My Son skit.” If ANYONE… Continue reading

Where is a website that can let me watch the south park movie?

by debaird™

Question by Cookie: Where is a website that can let me watch the south park movie? Bigger, Longer, & Uncut. I would love to see this for free with no downloading or buying. Please make sure your… Continue reading

Does anyone know a website that has play scripts to read online?

by Kmeron

Question by coyoteman58: Does anyone know a website that has play scripts to read online? I am looking for a website where I can read plays online so I don’t have to go buy one.The elephant man… Continue reading

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