
Any ideas how to make a local band website?

Question by Jesse Custer: Any ideas how to make a local band website? Im looking into starting a new website selling local bands merch and other local group items. Also on this website, i want them to be able… Continue reading

Does anyone know of a website which gives a list of jobs required to make a movie, their descriptions and…?

by Kup Kup Land

Question by ~Emma~: Does anyone know of a website which gives a list of jobs required to make a movie, their descriptions and…? what the first steps one must take to get into that kind… Continue reading

Lastest Movie Making Website News

My Big Friggin’ Wedding Recap – Episode 1 – Here Comes The Whine The formula is simple… Take GTL, replace the L with an M and there you have it: Gym, Tanning, Marriage. Welcome to My Big Friggin’ Wedding, the… Continue reading

12 Tips for Designing an Artist Website That Showcases Your Art

by Dyroza

12 Tips for Designing an Artist Website That Showcases Your Art

Summary Here’s the scoop on what you must know when designing a website to showcase your art, impress galleries, and win over collectors. Learn how to avoid… Continue reading

Q&A: Can individual scripts be purchased from the Interp Store website?

by tsevis

Question by Paxton G: Can individual scripts be purchased from the Interp Store website? Hi. I am a participant in my high school’s forensic team. I’m looking for Oral Interp pieces for next year. I found two… Continue reading

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