
Is it ilegal if i make a website and post brand new movie releases links?

Question by Anthony 18: Is it ilegal if i make a website and post brand new movie releases links? i want to make a website containing brand new movies like night at the museum 2 etc…. but i’m not… Continue reading

Advertising website template or script?

Question by Mark F: Advertising website template or script? I’m looking for website template or script that will enable me to create a site to sell advertising space for businesses to promote themselves. I would like visitors to the… Continue reading

Q&A: Need advice on how to build a choral group website. What existing CGI scripts are appropriate?

by rwhgould

Question by Michael M: Need advice on how to build a choral group website. What existing CGI scripts are appropriate? A choral director needs to upload rehearsal/instrumental tracks as mp3s for singers to download. We also need… Continue reading

is there a website where i can give suggestions to directors about making a certain type of movie?

by Paul Mayne

Question by Metrakaba: is there a website where i can give suggestions to directors about making a certain type of movie? if you have an idea for a movie that no one has come up with… Continue reading

Q&A: How to sell ads on your own website without 3rd parties?

by wallyg

Question by GEO net Correspondent: How to sell ads on your own website without 3rd parties? Hello, I am looking to sell ads on my website directly to advertisers. I really need some sort of script that… Continue reading

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