
What’s free thing on the computer where you can make movies using Paint?

Question by gigglewabbit: What’s free thing on the computer where you can make movies using Paint? Where you can make loads aof pictures using Paint and sticking all of the pictures together to make a movie?

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Answer… Continue reading

whats the best movie maker program to buy in the uk?

by hopeless128

Question by lucylu152: whats the best movie maker program to buy in the uk? i want to make a movie using a dvd that i have recorded from tv. i tried using windows movie maker but it… Continue reading

Q&A: Whats the best free video making software?

by Boogies with Fish

Question by Billy: Whats the best free video making software? I’m looking for a free video software that I can use to make movies. Something that allows multy layers of audio, different effect, and if… Continue reading

what’s the best part of the lovely bones to make a short movie out of?

Question by Amanda De Gouveia: what’s the best part of the lovely bones to make a short movie out of? I need it to make a media project, but im so stuck. HELP!

Best answer:

Answer by Kara B… Continue reading

NEW Money Making Guide -I need YOUR help- by Idk Whats Rc

Note: I plan to update my Kalphite guide, my Draconic and my 1-99 Farming guide before my Money Making one. Be patient. Sorry. Don’t forget to subscribe to my other channel: IdkWhatsRcIRL www.youtube.com No more black bars!!! I plan to… Continue reading

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