
Movie About kids being first to see star wars. Whats the name?

Question by specialkx6x: Movie About kids being first to see star wars. Whats the name? Im looking for a movie where, its these kids who make a plan to steal a movie print of star wars so they can… Continue reading

Q&A: What’s the best video editing software that I can download for free online for windows vista?

Question by andy: What’s the best video editing software that I can download for free online for windows vista? I have to make a movie for class and windows movie maker kind of sucks. Is there something more like… Continue reading

Q&A: Whats a good camcorder for real filmmaking?

Question by pokemonguy5: Whats a good camcorder for real filmmaking? I need a good camcorder for real movie making. Not to make little video with your frindes but a real movie. I can wait till blackfriday when stuff go… Continue reading

Whats the movie where these genius kids make a laser and shoot it into a house and make popcorn?

Question by Johnny: Whats the movie where these genius kids make a laser and shoot it into a house and make popcorn? its plaguing me?

Best answer:

Answer by lessaReal Genius

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What’s the best program to make a game without scripts?

Question by Justin: What’s the best program to make a game without scripts? I really want to make a game but don’t know what to use.

Best answer:

Answer by Q8y godfatherTry to use Game Maker from Microsoft.It’s… Continue reading

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