
Make a movie trailer (for book report) without filming anything so like animated i guess….i need help!!!?

by Old Shoe Woman

Question by Poke We: Make a movie trailer (for book report) without filming anything so like animated i guess….i need help!!!? I have imovie 11 i think its that…..not sure…there i can make a movie… Continue reading

Here Without You acoustic cover – treFLATface – 3 Doors Down

I wasn’t really happy with my previous attempt at www.youtube.com So, decided to redo the song, in a totally fresh spot. fresh… err… yeah. something like that. Software used: Sony Vegas 9.0 – remove white noise Windows Movie Maker –… Continue reading

Building Traps without Tools Part 2

www.thepathfinderschoolllc.com http

Pete Howlett introduces his kits and start a video log – how to build! Video Rating: 4 / 5

What websites can i go to so i can download video and movie content for my psp without ever having to pay?

Question by Shadow: What websites can i go to so i can download video and movie content for my psp without ever having to pay? i need to know this cause on google every website makes you pay a… Continue reading

Building Traps without Tools Part 2

www.thepathfinderschoolllc.com http

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